Every women has a right to physical and spiritual health starting form puberty to senescence.
As a women and a physician it is my sincere believe that prevention and careful follow-up are key to well-being through the different stages of womenhood. The gynaecological check-up starts with an in depth discussion about health history and present problems, followed by a gynecological examination (screening and ultrasound). Issues like contraception, hormonal problems, pain syndromes, irregular bleeding patterns, vaginal infections, incontinence, sexual dysfunctions, praeconceptional questions, or pregnancy issues will be addressed.

Recently an increasing number of women start family planning in an advanced age and with chronic conditions (autoimmune diseases, rheumatic diseases, IBD, diabetes, etc.). Prepregnancy counselling, preparation for pregnancy and carful interdisciplinary care during gestation are key to successful pregnancy.

  • Prepregnancy counselling
  • Pregnancy care (according to the austrian Mutter-Kind Pass)
  • Obstetric ultrasound (Mutter Kind Pass)
  • 3D Ultrasound
  • Vaginal delivery or C- section
  • Special counselling for women with rheumatic diseases, autoimmune diseases, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
    • Diagnostics and therapy of vaginal infections
    • PAP screening
    • HPV screening and vaccination
    • Contraception counseling
    • Gynecological ultrasound
    • Infertility diagnostic and treatment
    • hysteroscopic or laparocopic diagnostic and treatment
    Klara Rosta MD, Ph.D.

    Ob/Gyn specialist
    Ordinationszentrum Pelikangasse
    Pelikangasse 4/3, 1090 Vienna
